Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Non Netbook Experience

This video helps to open eyes as to how technology orientated students have become. It goes about explaining how textbooks are dull and hinders learning. A textbook has a beginning and an end; there is no room to enhance any knowledge gained from its contents. As Joe, the student in the video, flipped through the pages of the textbook, he decided he wanted to see a picture enlarged, but there was no way to do that. Had he been on a computer he would have been able to double click the image to blow it up. There was also no way to click on any links to find additional information if wanted, where as on a computer there are options everywhere to go to other web pages to read more on the subject at hand. Computers give the option to save pages and organize them in a way that will make it easy to return to. Textbooks do not have that option. There are many more learning opportunities available to students on a computer that are not offered from a textbook. The video helps to illustrate this. Most interesting is the fact that a student recognizes this and would rather further their education with a computer. It shows that there are better ways to engage students in learning other than a textbook.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christina, I enjoyed your post. For these students who are “at-risk students” Cyber School IS the best option for them. It gives them the opportunity to continuing learning and allowing the in-school children to do the same. This means that everyone involved will be able to obtain a peaceful education, meaning no disturbance. Often times I wonder why we have so many at risk students, but then as I meet some of the parents and visit their home settings, I can better understand. There are a lot of parents on drugs with young children in there possession not being taken care of. Some of the children go to school smelly or without proper clothing and this makes some of them act out. May be the Cyber School will help eliminate some of this behavior. If the child can’t be seen in his attire he may do better until he’s able to do for himself.
